Link Data Field

The Link Data Field is a field which generates a button that links to another bloc. It also passes data to this other bloc through the url. This is a useful way of loading blocs straight from the data results and passing in data to the bloc you are about to load.

This might be used in a situation where you want to load information about a certain company. By passing in the company name, and setting the Filtered Field parameter, the data in the destination bloc will load just that companies data.

The button can appear either in the form, or in the results. The resulting url may look like the following:{"company_name":"Blocworx"} (note that this may appear as the following in the url bar: but is still correct)

In the above example the value of a field called Company Name is being passed into the url.

The resulting url may also be a custom url with normal parameters being added, e.g.

Again in that example the field calledd Company Name is being passed in.

Initial Field Parameters

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